Scientific Symposium
Evolving Treatment Algorithm for MS
22 May 2017
18:30 - 21:30
Cordis Hotel

Prof. Bart Van Wijmeersch
Hasselt University

Prof. Koon-Ho Chan
HKMSS Council
On 22 May 2017, the HKMSS and the HKNS co-organized the dinner symposium titled ‘Evolving Treatment Algorithm for MS’, which was held at Cordis Hong Kong and chaired by our current president, Dr. Winnie Wong. Our overseas guest speaker, Prof. Bart Van Wijmeersch from the University of Hasselt, Belgium, enlightened us on high-potency therapies in multiple sclerosis, with a special emphasis on Alemtuzumab, and gave us an overview of his treatment algorithm for MS patients with different disease activities.
Our HKMSS past president, Dr. KH Chan, then shared several local MS cases with stormy clinical profiles who have received Alemtuzumab as treatment. Our local MS specialists have certainly learnt a lot from our two speakers!