World MS Day Event
20 May 2023
YMCA of Hong Kong Beacon Centre Lifelong Learning Institute
To celebrate the World MS Day 2023, the HKMSS collaborated with the HKNMDA to organize an Education and Art Jam fun day on 20 May 2023. The event took place at the YMCA of Hong Kong Beacon Centre Lifelong Learning Institute, and we were delighted to be joined by representatives from the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation and Rare Disease Hong Kong.
After an opening speech by Dr. Stephen Cheng, the HKMSS president, and Mr. Danny Yan, the immediate-past-president of HKNMDA, the two recently shot educational videos ‘Journey to Diagnose MS’, by Dr. WT Wong; and ‘MS and Pregnancy’, by Dr. Jacky Lee, were broadcasted.
We were then joined by 杜波淇 (IG@toballkidrawing), who is a local artist that makes cute and uplifting drawings to spread positivity. Using several designs of her original character, she instructed participants to sketch their own ideas on the canvas. Each participant was given a set of paint to color their drawings. While everyone worked on their own painting, a much larger cloth canvas was also prepared, and participants were invited to add their own splash to the big picture, which highlighted the MS Day theme of ‘I Connect, We Connect’.
We would like to thank all of our participants for making this event a success!