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Invited Talk

Novel Anti-CD20 Antibody for the Management of Multiple Sclerosis

19 Jul 2024

19:00 - 22:00

Clube Militar de Macau

The HKMSS was invited by the Macao Neuromedical Society to participate in a talk on MS on 19 July 2024. The talk was chaired by Dr. In-Na Mou from Kiang Wu Hospital of Macau, and Dr. Richard Li of our council.

The first talk as given by Dr. Chu-Peng Hoi Conde S. Januário Hospital of Macau, who gave an overview on the ‘Management of MS in Macau’. Dr. Stephen Cheng, our current president, then spoke on behalf of the council, and focused on ‘Novel Anti-CD20 Antibody for the Management of MS’.

We would like to thank MNS for the invitation, and hope our fellow scholars in Macau found the topic helpful!